Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Puppet Show Of Memory."

I assume you read the title, could care less if you understand it or not though, haha, sorry. But that's what life really is, isn't it? Everything that'll happen to you tomorrow has probably happened to you or someone else before. So in a way, everything you think, say, or do is out of memory, maybe not yours, bot someone's, somewhere. And if you are not the original person, if you're not the genuine article, if you're just bouncing along the beaten path, you're a puppet, sorry to say. Somebody else has already been there and done that, and now they're pulling the strings as you make your way along their tracks.

I think it's gross, it makes me sick. How can so many of you be so afraid to step out of the grooves and seek out for yourselves? What the hell has happened to the human race? This is our planet, remember? We're at the top of the food chain after all. This is your life, remember? Who cares where or what it came from, you're living it now and it's up to you to make it worth your while.

Push away from whats been seen and done before, a thousand times or more and write a new page, a new chapter in the great book of life and put your own, personal stamp on it. Not because it's profitable, or probable, or easy, or comfortable, or expected, or planned, or respected...Put your stamp or your stain on this life because you honestly believe that you deserve to do that.

I'm outta here.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Wet snow, or sleet, as it is know by those over-dressed newscasters, came down on me here today. It was cold, and wet, and uncomfortable with a capital "U". On top of that, anything and everything that seemed promising when I fist got back home has caved in on me in a big way, so right about now, I'm feeling like a pile of shit that knows it's out of place.

I didn't risk everything I am or was, I didn't say "fuck you" to the life I had as I turned and walked away from it for this...I was told, by more than enough people that there would be more to this once I got here...And now that I am here, I find that there is nothing, absolutely nothing here for me at all.

Once again, one more, I gave up something for nothing. I trusted people, and it got me nothing, once again. How many times is that going to happen, how many times does it have to happen before I realize that anything and everything that could ever come out of a person's mouth is a lie?

I am upset with myself, 'cause I keep trying to see the best in everyone even when I know it's not there. I'm upset with everyone who's ever said on word to me, because every word, every syllable that's ever come out of anyone's mouth, intended for me, has been in whole, or in part, a lie.

Tell ya what guys, I quit, alright? I'm done. I give up, on all of you, because out of the hundreds of you I've met so far, not one of you has done or said anything to show me that you give a shit. So why should I? Tell me? After getting less than nothing form anyone and everyone who knows me for far too long, why should I give anything back?

I may or may not have one small thing on my side though. Karma. Yep, if i that's real, I'm in good shape and the rest of you are royally fucked. I would hope that it was real, that at least one dream of mine came true, but by now, I know better, so I hope for shit, I ask for nothing, and I expect the worst, and every single one of you can go get fucked sideways if you don't agree with how I feel.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Well, I Can't Sleep"

I dunno, maybe it's because it's supposed to snow here in a couple of days. Maybe it's because I can't get over how something that was supposed to be kinda nice turned out to be another in a very long line of disappointments. Maybe I've had a few spooky dreams this week, you know, the ones that get you sitting up in the middle of the night, sweating like mad and so scared that it takes you a minute or two to realize where you are? Maybe it's all three, and more.

Vampires got it easy. They can be walking around this time of the night not wondering, but knowing why. We had someone in my kindergarten class that used to bite people...But he used to wet his pants all the time too. That's not even the sick thing though, haha, oh no. I hear he's running for Mayor next term. Guy can't hold his water or kep his face off of people, and he's going to be in charge of so much more than himself...The whole world's gone mad. I'm outta here.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Race Of The Demon."

That would be the Winter Demon of course. And it is racing to get here. Today, it was a mere ten degrees above freezing, which means that I've got frost on my special purpose, a runny nose, and a chapped a-...Well, you get the idea.

I almost forgot how cold 'home' was. Haven't spent a winter here in years, and today, I remembered why. Cold is not really a word you want to associate with home, is it? I mean, it's kinda negative. There was one bright spot in my life today...Yea, it came from a floorlamp. How nice.

This is going to be a short one but, what can I say? Bitter weather makes for bitter blogging. Niiigth...

Monday, October 20, 2008

You ever meet someone that you think is really incredible. You know, someone who completely changes the way you look at your feel about things, without even trying? Someone who tells you they'll be around forever, even though they're gone in a matter of months? Alright, now, have you ever done it about a hundred times before? Didn't think so.

I have, not on purpose of course, but because some people just turn out to be dishonest, fake, useless, pathetic, cowardly...The list goes on, never getting nicer. I have tried for years to try and tolerate people like that, mainly because it's all I ever ran into. There are those [very few] of you that are alright though. And since you are here, I guess I don't need to tolerate the others anymore, so, I'm not going to. All done, yep. It only ends up making me feel bad when I do it, bites me right in the ass with serrated teeth, haha. So to those of you that I will no longer be talking to, good riddance, and to those [few] of you that are actually worth something, thanks!